Vegetarians: Protein and kidney health

Kidney Food Diet HP


With the assistance of your dietitian, you can make sure that your body is getting all the nutrients that it requires without adding strain on your kidneys.

The problem for many vegetarians is getting enough protein without adding additional phosphorous and potassium to your diet.

Types of Vegetarians

Depending on what vegetarian you are and your current kidney condition or stage of disease, you can meet your dietary needs with the help of your dietitian to ensure you are maintaining a healthy diet.


This group consumes only plant foods
and no animal products.  

Vegan Protein

Wheat protein, mycoprotein (Quorn), nut butter*, soy milk, soy yogourt, soy tofu, tempeh, natto, dried, cooked beans and peas, unsalted nuts*.

Pesca Vegetarian

Eats fish for health reasons, in addition to eating plant foods, dairy products and eggs.

Pesca vegetarian Protein

Salmon, tuna, clams, crabs, shrimp, lobster, wheat protein, mycoprotein(Quorn), nut butter*, soy milk, soy yogourt, soy tofu, tempeh, natto, dried, cooked beans and peas, unsalted nuts*

Lacto-ovo Vegetarian

Consumes eggs, milk, dairy products
and plant foods.

Lacto-ovo Vegetarian Protein

Eggs, wheat protein, mycoprotein (Quorn), nut butter*, soy milk, soy yogourt, soy tofu, tempeh, natto, dried, cooked beans and peas, unsalted nuts.*

Lacto Vegetarian

Excludes eggs, but consumes milk and other dairy products in addition to plant foods.

Lacto Vegetarian Protein

Low-sodium or reduced-sodium cottage cheese, wheat protein, mycoprotein(Quorn), nut butter*, soy milk, soy yogourt, soy tofu, tempeh, natto, dried, cooked beans and peas, unsalted nuts*

2 Common Fruits That Can Have Deadly Consequences

Star Fruit


Research has shown that starfruit contains a nerve toxin that can cause confusion, agitation, and in some cases death.  Starfruit also known as Caramobla can be life threatening for those on dialysis. 



If you do eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice, check with your doctor to make sure it is not harming you.  Grapefruit and grapefruit juice, can interact with many medications.

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