Everyone has their limits


Eating healthy foods is a great way to ensure you are meeting your nutritional requirements. For those with kidney disease, your food choices have an impact on the health of your kidneys.

lean, low and delicious

There are many foods that a kidney diet allows but only in limited amounts. A low protein diet is often recommended and should be limited, and your dietitian can advise you on how much you should consume daily.

Limitations and restrictions become part of life!


Potassium is essential for good health, but this nutrient also contributes to increased kidney function and effort. A low potassium diet may also need to be incorporated into the overall diet.

Diets designed for kidney problems will limit potassium to small amounts determined by your dietitian.

Avoid most salt substitutes because these products are generally high in potassium.


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Found in some foods and added to others, available as a dietary supplement, and in some medicines like antacids.

Calcium is required for vascular contraction, vasodilation, muscle function, nerve transmission, and hormonal secretion. You will work with a dietitian to ensure you are getting all the calcium your body requires.

Fluid Restrictions

Kidney disease is one condition where fluids are not pushed but instead are limited. Your dietitian will recommend what your fluid intake should be. This amount also must include any foods having high amounts of liquid, such as soup, jello, pudding, and ice cream.


Phosphorous is a mineral found in the body. After calcium, phosphorous is the next most abundant mineral. Approximately 85% of phosphorous is in our bones.

Phosphorous helps form strong teeth and bones, gets oxygen to tissues, moves muscles, changes protein, fat and carbohydrate into energy, produces hormones, maintains a normal pH balance and develops connective tissues and organs. Phosphorous is one super-duper mineral!


Protein is a vital component of your health. Protein helps in the building of muscle, repairs tissue, and helps in fighting infection. Your doctor may recommend that you follow a controlled diet of protein, which may help decrease waste in your blood.

Most kidney diets will eliminate nuts, beans, seeds, peas, cola flavoured soft drinks, and beer. As well, there may also be other foods that should be limited or avoided altogether.

Your dietitian will examine your medical condition and determine the ideal diet best suited to you.

What are carbohydrates?

Pretty much all foods have some form of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are important for your body as it's used for energy. However, there are "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. 

Good ones are from whole grains, low-fat dairy, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit. "Bad" carbohydrates come from heavily processed foods that are high in calories, too. So regardless of what you put into your body - "good or bad" your body will still take it for energy. 

Best high fibre food choices

Apple, unpeeled
Brussels sprout
Cabbage, raw
Collard greens
Cooked grits
Fruit cocktail
Grape-Nuts Flakes®
Green beans
Green peas
High fibre white bread
Mustard greens, cooked
Pineapple, raw
Summer squash
Carbohydrates are important for your body to use for energy!

2 Common Fruits That Can Have Deadly Consequences

Star Fruit


Research has shown that starfruit contains a nerve toxin that can cause confusion, agitation, and in some cases death.  Starfruit also known as Caramobla can be life threatening for those on dialysis.



If you do eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice, check with your doctor to make sure it is not harming you.  Grapefruit and grapefruit juice, can interact with many medications.

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