Kidney-Friendly Tasty Diet! 

A flavourful life

For many, the transition to a kidney-friendly diet can be extremely trying. However, through learning, guided by your Renal Nutritionist, you will quickly see how diet impacts kidneys and treatments.

There is a wide range of choices from; fruits, vegetables, bread, grains, cereals, proteins, dairy to beverages and desserts to satisfy tastebuds and your keep kidneys happy too!

reality bites

With kidney disease, there isn't a 'day off ' that lets you eat whatever and however much you want without paying the price with your kidneys. 

If an event is coming up, speak with your renal team member to see how they can make some short-term changes to accommodate any overages that may occur with that extra slice of yummy that you simply can't resist!

Kidney-Diet & a Restriction or Two

The recommended sodium consumption for a healthy adult is no more than 2300 mg per day which is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of salt. People with CKD or high blood pressure are recommended to limit their sodium intake ranging from 750 mg - 2000 mg per day.
Proteins shown - red meat, fish, eggs. grains

Within the kidney-friendly diet, there may be additional restrictions or limitations that you may have to accommodate for such as sodium, potassium, phosphorous, protein and fluids.

There is a wide range of salt choices from table salt, Kosher, Sea Salt,  Himalayan and more.  

Potassium in the Blood 

Level of potassium is measured in millimoles per litre of blood (mmol/L), categorized into 3 levels:

Definition of millimole:  One thousandth of a mole (as of a substance) 


3.5 to 5.0 mmol/L 


5.1 To 6.0 mmol/L


6.0 mmol/L or Higher

One Potato, Two Potato, Too Much ?

As in life, choices do come with consequences be it good or bad. Here is an example of what a single potato rich in potassium and the effects it can have to those with kidney disease.
A medium-sized potato, roughly 213 grams & about 2¼-3 ¼ inches in diameter:










164 kcal

905 mg

13 mg

121 mg

4.37 mg

26 mg

0.19 g

168.80 g

37.25 g

Potassium intake for those with kidney disease is 2000 mg
 (or less) daily.

As you can see, a potato has a lot of Potassium - and for those that suffer from chronic kidney disease, a serving could be enough for you to experience any of the following called Hyperkalemia:

  • Muscle Weakness 

  • Numbness or a Tingling “Pins and Needles” sensation in your limbs 

  • Vomiting, Nausea, and Stomach Pain 

  • Irregular Heart Rate 

  • Heart Palpitations

  • Chest Pain, and even Heart Failure.

2 Common Fruits That Can Have Deadly Consequences

Star Fruit


Research has shown that starfruit contains a nerve toxin that can cause confusion, agitation, and in some cases death.  Starfruit also known as Caramobla can be life threatening for those on dialysis.



If you do eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice, check with your doctor to make sure it is not harming you.  Grapefruit and grapefruit juice, can interact with many medications.

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