Travelling & Dialysis
Good for Your Health
Just because you have kidney disease and require dialysis treatments doesn't mean you can't take a holiday. Be it close to home or across the sea, it's possible to have your treatment and catch that once in a life-time sunset.
Advance Planning Is a Must
For hemodialysis and peritoneal patients, coordinating and planning must start at least three months in advance of the departure date to ensure all medical requirements are met by your home doctors and those that will be administering your dialysis treatments.
Contact Point Person
Most dialysis centres have an coordinator that can assist in obtaining all the paperwork and reports required for a successful dialysis away from home.
Not Just Any Travel Agent
Many travel agents and tour operators offer specialized vacations for those that require dialysis. From safaris, cruises to outdoor camping and more. If you stay close to home or travel abroad to foreign lands, with proper planning and meeting all medical and travel requirements, you could be having dialysis and seeing out your window a herd of elephants!
planes, trains and automobiles
follow for a successful away time
Ground floor
When booking your hotel, ask about the first floor or handicapped-accessible rooms that makes coming and going easier.
Label all medicines
Border controls can stop you from entering their country if your medicine is not labelled or is missing information.
Simply a must
Keep clean and safe. It's a good idea to bring a supply of antibacterial soap to clean your access area before treatment.
Do you understand?
For foreign travel, simple language translations are easily accessible through various phone apps.
If you don't have a smartphone make sure you have a translation book to say what you are experiencing, IE: it hurts here, I have shortness of breath.
Time to get up?
Time changes and travel zones can upset your body's clock. Speak with your pharmacist and doctor regarding when you are to take your medicine while travelling.
Bring your own (B.Y.O) supply of gauze, and tape especially if you have an allergy to regular medical tape or have thin skin; paper tape is not always available in other countries.
It can take a few days for your body to adjust to time changes, climate changes, food, and even water.
If you are travelling by plane or train, ask about low sodium meal options.
Majority of dialysis centres around the world require the following to deliver your dialysis treatments:
Be informed and be able to inform
Who's your go-to at dialysis?
Most dialysis centres have a coordinator for travel requirements (transient dialysis).
Check with your social worker or primary nurse to confirm that your centre can assist you.
Numbers are key
Have the phone number of the local transplant hospital where you are travelling to in case of emergencies.
Have all the numbers
Have the phone number, fax number and email address of YOUR own renal unit. including
The international dialing code for Canada: 1+ area code + phone number and any extension required.
The most important thing to when travelling: Don't overdue yourself and know your limits.
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